Saturday, May 14, 2016

"It's not always easy to fight the good fight, but it is always good, and it is always right." - Anonymous. 

This quote is one of my favorites. However, on the contrary, sometimes doing what is good and right doesn't necessarily have to be a stand-up, sit down, fight, fight, fight!

If we call ourselves Christians, we do so with the belief that we have received the blood of Christ, freely given as payment for our sinful ways. Christ's blood (love) poured (into our hearts) thereby saving us from eternal doom. If we, then, have been saved by such compassion - a compassion so great that He gave up His life for ours, how then can we "Christians" lack mercy for any one person? 

Our hearts too should bleed for all people, just as Christ's did.  John 12:32 - "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw ALL peoples to myself."  And, Matt. 5:7 - "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy."

One of my devotionals, "Pathway To Gods Presence", beautifully states, "There were those who loved Him for His uncomplicated love of people, and through that love they got to know God and love Him." 

Simple. Uncomplicated. He loves ALL. Period. 

Proverbs 3:29 urges, "Do not devise evil against your neighbor, for he dwells by you for safety's sake." 

Whether or not we agree with a person's lifestyle; whether or not we're comfortable with the way they look; whether or not we like the way one behaves and talks, or if we disagree with another's political views and even if they, in our opinion, lack morals.  If we are truly Christians, I believe our behavior should emulate that of Jesus Christ. And Jesus made himself available to everyone. He listened, cared, and spoke the truth. 

It was and still is His nature: To get to know us - that we would get to know Him. 

Our knowing right from wrong, light from darkness, and peace from torment should keep us from attacking people and causing strife. Now, this is not to say that we can't speak our minds and share what we believe to be truth, as we know this is a must.  But according to Proverbs 3:29, we should be the "safe place." It is in a safe place that divine healing can manifest itself.  This is the spot for open and honest conversation. Here lies the place where, pain and suffering, betrayal, guilt, insecurities, addiction, and the like, may be dispelled, and at long last hearts set free!  

On the other hand, if we make our views more important than people - I'm inclined to think we've missed the mark, along with the opportunity to embrace life. 

The love, forgiveness, mercy, and patience my spirit has received from Christ compels me to believe with all my heart that people of every kind should feel loved and valued in our presence. 

Peace out, Sister, and share the love!

Jodi ❤

Friday, April 22, 2016

I'm troubled, sometimes, by my lack of motivation, or maybe I'm troubled by the fact that I freeze instead of moving when motivation tugs at my heart.

2Cor 8:12 reads, "For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have." 

A willing mind? Interesting, that it does not read a willing heart. And what is the difference between the two?

When the mind says, yes, why do I not move? 

Perhaps the problem isn't my heart, but my mind. I think, most times, my heart is ready with a yes, but my mind is full of doubt. My heart pumps with desire and passion; energy splashes through my veins longing for a purpose, aspiring to make a difference, yearning to be bold, to step-out, to realize my dreams, and to take hold of everything God has made available to me.

But, my mind. It thinks too much. And it thinks too little. It thinks of all of the things I don't have. Of what I can't do. Of the mistakes, I'll make. Of the rejections to come. Of failing. And, thus, I am unmotivated, or shall I say, motivated by what I don't have. So, I do nothing. But the above scripture says, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have. 

The heart is indeed willing, but our intellect sometimes fastens itself to 'can't'. And we are thereby convinced by what we 'can't do' - which prevent's us from doing what we indeed - 'can do'. 

And, this is where faith comes in.  If God gives it to us, we can do it, through Christ, who strengthens us.  Further, this is the only way God will be able to use us for His purpose. I believe many of us are stuck in limbo with our intellect when we should be chasing our hearts with free abandon.  

Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you're right."

You can do it, girlfriend!
